Stacy Lute
P.O. Box 115
Taneytown, MD 21787
Welcome to The Maryland Register!
We first learned of The Register when Amy's parents, Merle and Gail Taylor, became the editors for the Maryland paper. They loved publishing the paper and encouraged Amy to pursue the Virginia paper, which at that time needed an editor. Advertising, marketing and newspapers are almost second nature to Amy, and we became more seriously interested in the idea as we began talking more and more about having
children. The newspaper would offer Amy a way to spend time raising our children while also having a job she'd enjoy. That was June, 1999 and our first Virginia issue was July-August, 1999. We now publish five Register papers: Virginia, Florida, Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania/West Virginia. Amy's parents publish The Registers of Delaware/New Jersey and Indiana. Our children, Rachel (born in 2000) and Grace (born in 2005) have been here through it all. We really do have a Register Family!
The Maryland and Delaware Register is a free bimonthly publication which promotes antique, country, primitive and collectible shops; artisans; crafters and craft shows; quilts and needlework; gardening; home and garden shows; tea rooms and unique eateries; bed and breakfasts and much more. The Maryland and Deleware Register is all about good news, lighthearted stories, recipes, projects, and shows and events listings.
Visit our Advertisers page to find out where you can pick up a free copy of the most recent issue (all advertisers have copies). Copies are also available via subscription, and at welcome centers, local tourism centers, and selected shows. The current copy is also available to read online too. Get a copy of the paper today and tour the state: you'll find wonderful shopping and neat towns to visit.
There are also Registers published in most of the other U.S. states and Canada. Readers can obtain copies of another state's paper by contacting the appropriate editor on the National Register website at The cost is $3 per issue.
We look forward to providing you each issue of The Maryland Register. Thanks for joining us!